
Please check back as more resources are regularly added.


Since 1985, 221 prayers by 126 rabbis in Congress (29 rabbis gave two or more prayers since 1985) have been recorded on video by C-SPAN. Playlists of the rabbi guest chaplains and their congressional sponsors are linked below. Also below, please find a playlist of every prayer in Congress (by all chaplains) since April 2019 and a playlist with videos directly related to the book When Rabbis Bless Congress. These playlists are updated regularly.

Rabbi Guest Chaplain Playlist

Rabbi Guest Chaplain Playlist

Congressional Sponsor of Rabbi Guest Chaplain Playlist

Congressional Sponsor of Rabbi Guest Chaplain Playlist

Daily Congress Prayer Playlist

Daily Congress Prayer Playlist

When Rabbis Bless Congress Playlist

When Rabbis Bless Congress Playlist


The following includes links to organizations or individuals who were instrumental in the support, research, or creative process of When Rabbis Bless Congress: